Thursday, December 22, 2011

From hospital to hotel

Well my Dad was recently released from the hosptail, finally!!! So we came to a hotel for the time being, so we can figure out who and where we'll be taking care of him. I found myself sleeping much more comfortably on the chair in the hospital, than this huge soft bed in the hotel. It's so odd for me to even think that Christmas is on Sunday, we have no tree, no presents, no holiday joy. Just a stressful time, but I have my health and my family thats all Christmas should be about anyway, presents are just a way to keep the kids entertained, ha bitter much? Our check out time is at 3, so I have time to start cleaning up and getting all my dads medicine together. I wish i could be home, well at my friends house, and just laying in bed being lazy. We'd probably be rolling aorund laughing or something, my best friend that i live with right now, she texts me every morning saying shes misses me. I miss her too, and her family, she's my sister from another mister and can always make me cry and laugh! I need to cry and laugh right now. Or maybe just cry, only while my dads asleep I dont want him to see me cry. This post was a downer, but its how i feel lately....BLAH!
hahah well hopefully things will get better (:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hospital days

I've been staying day and night at the Hospital this past week to keep my dad company. He recently found out he has Colon Cancer, had surgery, and now recovering. We caught it in the early stages, so for now he is ok (: My family is all really close so there's always someone here, my sister and I rotate sleeping at the hospital. It doesnt make me sad to be here or anything, I'd rather my dad have company all the time! Haha and YES, total Daddys girl, this dood is my best friend! But I do however miss being home, and doing my makeup, and my hair. Haha I accidently left my "Teddy Bear" at home :( He's my baby and i take him everywhere or else I cant sleep. His name is Leo the cheetah, clever huh?! Haha
OHHH I'm really late when it comes to movies, but i just saw 'It's Complicated' and wow that was funny!!! My dad and I were rolling, but then it got sad and I was praying she'd end up with Steve Martins character. Haha. I'm by any means a "chick flick" kind of girl but some of thema re just so hard to resist! haha.

Well goodnight, this hospital makes a girl sleepy!!!! haha ill try to share a picture of my boo Leo (:

A saturday night....

I've recently moved in with a girlfriend and her family, thier awesome and fun loving. My friend I'll call her "Y" she'a a little party animal, I guess I'm an old fart compared to her (: She went out tonight, I stayed in with her little sister, I couldnt exactly go Bar Hopping when im only 20 :( haha Fail. Unfortunately I have to wait a whole year till that time comes! I dont mind though I thought 20 was old so I'm in no hurry to age ANOTHER year!!! haha. I just thought I would throw my first Blog out there, I babbeled alot but no worries I'll get the hang of it...........EVENTUALLY!!! Haha.